Christopher Grandel

cell 818-398-3125


Bachelor of Fine Art - University of Michigan 1986

Graduated with honors

Focus of Studies

Painting, Photography and Metal Smithing

Master of Fine Art - Sand Diego State University 1998

Focus of Studies

Metal Smithing

Under Graduate Work

Graduate Work

I started as a 3rd shift roto artist working on the Henry at Digital Magic in 1996.  At the same time I completed my Thesis work and continued work for the Adamson-Duvannes Galleries as the registrar.  In 1998 I became a staff artist for  CRC (Cinema Research Corporation) in the digital department as one of two film i/o technicians.  I later became the Digital Coordinator responsible for work flow and client interactions.  In 2001 I started a 5 years run for Howard Anderson Company as a Discreet Flame artist conforming theatrical film trailers and digital effects for motion pictures.  The conforming of a trailer was based on an off line video of what the editor expected.  To achieve an exact high rez duplicate I word figure out how to match both the edit and effects that was used in the trailer.  Often this would require just figuring it out.  For the past 14 years I have been a freelance artist, by choice, moving from one project and company to the next.  Some of the highlight include Marvel’s IronMan 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy as an in house artist.  Finishing up the last season of Battlestar Galactica along with the season of Caprica.  Working on independent film projects like Ninja Apocalypse where I would get to do a myriad of effects like digital explosion, blood, smoke and other 3d types of work along with digital matte painting.  Things that one does not get to do on a larger feature where you are hired for compositing only.  Some of the companies I worked with are Look Effects, VFXpc, Digiscope, Lit Post and Big Boss.

I feel very fulfilled in my digital artist career and now I am exploring the world of producing.  It would be a new and exciting change from sitting behind a computer all day but I don't think I will leave the digital effect world as I enjoy the work so much.

Thesis Work